Experience Piab

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Technical - Mr. Nhân: 0935 04 1313 -  nhan@greentechvn.com

Technical - Mr. Nhân: 0935 04 1313 - nhan@greentechvn.com

Sales - Mr. Nhân: 0935 04 1313 -  sales@greentechvn.com

Sales - Mr. Nhân: 0935 04 1313 - sales@greentechvn.com

HCM Sale - Ms. Thủy: 079 664 0303 - thuy@greentechvn.com

HCM Sale - Ms. Thủy: 079 664 0303 - thuy@greentechvn.com

HCM Sale - Mr. Hoài:  0903 355 926  -  sale01@greentechvn.com

HCM Sale - Mr. Hoài: 0903 355 926 - sale01@greentechvn.com

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Q.Nam Sale - Mr. Hân: 0912 635 379 - han@greentechvn.com

CN Hà Nội - Mr. Thái: 0987040968 - thai@greentechvn.com

CN Hà Nội - Mr. Thái: 0987040968 - thai@greentechvn.com

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Experience Piab

Evolving automation since 1951. Piab is evolving automation through progressive gripping, lifting and moving solutions. We believe in an automated world where no resources are wasted, and no humans are injured.


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