BPS 260-1 | Schmersal | Safety sensor BPS 260-1 | Cảm biến an toàn BPS 260-1 | Schmersal Vietnam

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BPS 260-1 | Schmersal | Safety sensor BPS 260-1 | Cảm biến an toàn BPS 260-1 | Schmersal Vietnam

BPS 260-1 | Schmersal | Safety sensor BPS 260-1 | Cảm biến an toàn BPS 260-1 | Schmersal Vietnam

(1 reviews)

BPS 260-1

Schmersal Vietnam | Greentech Vietnam

12 months

BPS 260-1 | Schmersal | Safety sensor BPS 260-1 | Cảm biến an toàn BPS 260-1 | Schmersal Vietnam

Ordering details
Product type descriptionBPS 260-1
Article number101184395
EAN Code4030661321936
Global Properties
Permanent lightMagnet
- Material of the housingsPlastic
noticeActuator and sensor on a mounting level
Mechanical data
Actuation direction
Dimensions of the actuators
- Width of the actuator26
- Height of the actuator36
- Length of the actuator13
K.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG, Möddinghofe 30, D-42279 WuppertalThe data and values have been checked throroughly. Technical modifications and errors excepted.Generiert am 07.02.2019 - 12:56:06h Kasbase 3.3.0.F.64I
Schmersal VietNamTV. 015-11Y-M20Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAZM 161-STS30-04Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAZM 161-STS30-05Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAZM 161-STS30-06Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAZM 415-STS30-01Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamBN 20-RZ-ST-2452Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTR 422-10Y-RMS-M20Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamG 50-025-T33/33Y-M20 -1600-1Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTV7H 235-20ZZ-2138/2375Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamZV7H 235-11ZZ-2375Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamT4VH 335-11Z-1172/1637/2444Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTK 335-11Z-M20-1087/1637Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTR 335-11Z-M20-1087/1637Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTR 335-11Z-M20-U90-1087/1637Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTS 335-11Z-M20-1087/1637Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamT4V1H 335-11Z-M20-1087/1172/1637Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamG 50-017-M44/44Y- M20Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamT4V1H 335-11Z-M20-U180-1087/1172/1637Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamBN 31-RZ-1978-4Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamNWS...K/o.G.Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamZV12H 235-11Z-M20- RMS-2252Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamASH 015L-11D/50X-M16Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamG150-075-Z22/M33Y-M20Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTD 250-12Z-M25-R=2X45GR.-1276-2Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamEFP ST-AS330Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamEFP DT-AS330Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamT4VH 335-11Z-1795/2444Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTL 461-22Y-K-UE-M20-1276-2/1801Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamZV7H 235-11Z-STGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamG150-100-M44/44Y-M20 -1601-4Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamG 50-017-M33/33Y-M20 -2281-6Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamG150-075-Z11/11-M11/11Y-M20-1600-1Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAV 20LHE2X20U GB 215Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTESZ1102/5?Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTJ 064-22Y-RMSGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAV 15RBE4X15 O.A.Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAZM 170SK-02ZRI B5-2197 24VAC/DCGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAZM 415-11/02ZPKF 48VAC/ DCGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamUVH 434Y-M20Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTA 130-13Y-R=2X45GR.-M25Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTS 015-02Y-M20Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamG 50-017-M44/44Y- M20-1601-8Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTZF.NEM.CH3?24VDCGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAZM 170CC-02ZRKA 24VAC/DCGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAV 15LKB2H105X45R 45 GR. NGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamT3K 236-11Z-M16-U90Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamZ3K 236-02Z-M20-1297Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamZ4VH 335-11Z-M20-RMS-1172/1699Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamSE-PR CA-Primer 5mlGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTV1H 255-11ZGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamZSM 241-01XR-L 3,0MGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamZSM 241-01XR-R 3,0MGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamT1K 355-11ZUE-M20Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAZ 3350-12ZUEK-U270Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamMONTAGEPLATTE MP AZ 3350 LACK.Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamMONTAGEPLATTE MP AZM 415-01 LACK.Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamMONTAGEPLATTE MP AZ 415-01 LACK.Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamMONTAGEPLATTE MP AZ 3350-B30 LACK.Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAZ 3350-12ZUEK-U90Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamG150-075-Z44/44Y-M20 -FL1-1368-2/1600-1Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAV 18LHKE1X30L 45 GR.NGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamMV8H 330-11Y-1361-5Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamBNS 303-11ZG-STGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamG 50-035-Z44/44Y- M20-1368-2/1600-1Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamSTERNGRIFF MIT VKT.8 BEST-NR. 2009135.00-00000Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamMONTAGEPLATTE KPL. MP AZ 3350Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamT1R 255-11ZGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTK 255-20ZGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTK4 255-20ZHGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamMONTAGEPLATTE KPL. MP AZ 3350-B30Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTS 255-11ZUEGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamMONTAGEPLATTE KPL. MP TG-01Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTV12H 255-20ZGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamZ1R 255-11ZGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamZV14H 255-02ZGreentech Vietnam


Schmersal VietnamAZM 161SK-12/12RK-024
(Type: AZM 161SK-12/12rk-024-2201)
Schmersal Solenoid Interlocks Only
Schmersal VietnamAZM 161SK-12/12RKN-024
Safety door switch with interlocks 2NC 1NO,
Schmersal VietnamAZM 161SK-12/12RK-024    -2201
Schmersal VietnamAZM 161SK-12/12RK-024-2097101188636
Schmersal VietnamAZM 161SK-12/12RK-024-   1637
Schmersal VietnamAZM 161SK-12/12RK-024    -2449
Schmersal VietnamAZM 161SK-12/12RK-024-   M20-2630
Schmersal VietnamAZM 161SK-12/12RK-024 M16  
(Ordering details
Product type description AZM 161SK-12/12RK-024
Article number 1164207
EAN code 4030661205144)
Schmersal VietnamCode: 101154221
AZ 16-12ZVRK-M16
AZ16-12ZVRK ( M16)
Schmersal VietnamAZ15/16-B2
corrected BETAETIGER  AZ 15/16-B2 KPL.
Schmersal VietnamSchmersal sealed Lead micro switch
Model: M2S 660-11-K-Y (M2S660-11-K-Y)
Code: 101055373
4A- 250V
Schmersal VietnamTVH 335-01/01Z-RMS
Schmersal VietnamTVH 335-01/01Z-M20
Schmersal VietnamTVH 335-01/01Z-RVA
Schmersal VietnamTVH 335-01/01Z-1172
Schmersal VietnamTVH 335-01/01Z-RMS
Schmersal VietnamTVH 335-01/01Z-M20
Schmersal VietnamTVH 335-01/01Z-RVA
Schmersal VietnamTVH 335-01/01Z-1172
Schmersal VietnamTVH 335-01/01Z
Schmersal VietnamCorrect: ML 441-11Y-M20
Code: 101170496
Schmersal VietnamModel: ML 441-11Y-T-M20 (ML441-11YT-M20)
Code: 101170498
Schmersal VietnamType: TV8H 330-11Y-1903
Code: 101099849
(TV8H-330-11Y-1903-100 nos)
Schmersal VietnamSafety Switch
Code: 101152725
Type: AZ 16-12ZVK-M16
(Type: AZ 16-12zvk)
Schmersal VietnamType: TZG02.110 (TZG 02.110)
Code: 101024377
Schmersal VietnamPart No: BN 20-11RZ-M16 (BN20-11RZ-M16)
Code: 101165310
250 VAC/DC(0.48A) –IP67)
Schmersal VietnamCorrect: FWS 1205 A
Code: 101170053
Model: FWS 1205)
Schmersal VietnamCorrect: FWS 1205 BCode: 101170054(Control-logicModel: FWS 1205)
Schmersal VietnamCorrect: FWS 1205 C
Code: 101170056
Model: FWS 1205)
Schmersal VietnamCorrect: FWS 1205 C-2201
Code: 101176532
Model: FWS 1205)
Schmersal VietnamCorrect: FWS 1205 B
Code: 101170054
Model: FWS 1205)
Schmersal VietnamSwitch
Code: AZ415-11/11ZPK-M20
Schmersal VietnamAZ 16-12 ZVRK -M16
Schmersal VietnamType: Z1R 236-11Z-M20
Code: 101156129
(type: Z1R 236-11Z)
Schmersal VietnamAZ 16-12 ZVRK -M16
Schmersal VietnamReplaced by: ZQ 700-11         
(Limit Switch
Model: ZS7110/1S
Schmersal VietnamType: Z4VH 335-11Z-M20-RMS
Code: 101166367
(A600 TYPE 1 Z4VH 335-11Z-M20-RMS
IEC 60947-5-1  IP67
Ui 500V
Uimp 6KV
Schmersal VietnamCODICE SAP: 101195691
Description: Z4V7H 335-11Z-RVA-2272
Product Reihe: 03400500
Schmesal VietnamType: AZM 161SK-12/12RK-024
Code: 1164207
Schmersal VietnamSAFETY SWITCH
AZM 170-11ZRK-ST-2111-1/2197
Note: Please confirm the code
Schmersal VietnamModel: SCM101170996         
Schmersal VietnamSafety switch with actuator
Model: AZ15ZVK-M16
Schmersal VietnamArt no.: 101172882
Code: BN 20-10Z-M16
Schmersal VietnamArt no.: 101156136
Code: ZS 336-11Z-M20
Schmersal VietnamCode: IFL 15-30-10/01YG
Art No.: 101056906
Schmersal Vietnam101170049
AES 1235
Schmersal Vietnam101172219
AES 2285
Schmersal Vietnam101170049
AES 1235
Schmersal Vietnam101172219
AES 2285 
Schmersal Vietnam101170840
Schmersal Vietnam 
SRB324ST 24V (V.3)
Schmersal Vietnam101195505
SRB324ST/R V.3
Schmersal Vietnam101175474
Schmersal VietnamArt no.: 101172893Code: BN 20-2RZ-M16


 Schmersal VietNamTV. 015-11Y-M20
 Schmersal VietNamAZM 161-STS30-04
 Schmersal VietNamAZM 161-STS30-05
 Schmersal VietNamAZM 161-STS30-06
 Schmersal VietNamAZM 415-STS30-01
 Schmersal VietNamBN 20-RZ-ST-2452
 Schmersal VietNamTR 422-10Y-RMS-M20
 Schmersal VietNamG 50-025-T33/33Y-M20 -1600-1
 Schmersal VietNamTV7H 235-20ZZ-2138/2375
 Schmersal VietNamZV7H 235-11ZZ-2375
 Schmersal VietNamT4VH 335-11Z-1172/1637/2444
 Schmersal VietNamTK 335-11Z-M20-1087/1637
 Schmersal VietNamTR 335-11Z-M20-1087/1637
 Schmersal VietNamTR 335-11Z-M20-U90-1087/1637
 Schmersal VietNamTS 335-11Z-M20-1087/1637
 Schmersal VietNamT4V1H 335-11Z-M20-1087/1172/1637
 Schmersal VietNamG 50-017-M44/44Y- M20
 Schmersal VietNamT4V1H 335-11Z-M20-U180-1087/1172/1637
 Schmersal VietNamBN 31-RZ-1978-4
 Schmersal VietNamNWS...K/o.G.
 Schmersal VietNamZV12H 235-11Z-M20- RMS-2252
 Schmersal VietNamASH 015L-11D/50X-M16
 Schmersal VietNamG150-075-Z22/M33Y-M20
 Schmersal VietNamTD 250-12Z-M25-R=2X45GR.-1276-2
 Schmersal VietNamEFP ST-AS330
 Schmersal VietNamEFP DT-AS330
 Schmersal VietNamT4VH 335-11Z-1795/2444
 Schmersal VietNamTL 461-22Y-K-UE-M20-1276-2/1801
 Schmersal VietNamZV7H 235-11Z-ST
 Schmersal VietNamG150-100-M44/44Y-M20 -1601-4
 Schmersal VietNamG 50-017-M33/33Y-M20 -2281-6
 Schmersal VietNamG150-075-Z11/11-M11/11Y-M20-1600-1
 Schmersal VietNamAV 20LHE2X20U GB 215
 Schmersal VietNamTESZ1102/5?
 Schmersal VietNamTJ 064-22Y-RMS
 Schmersal VietNamAV 15RBE4X15 O.A.
 Schmersal VietNamAZM 170SK-02ZRI B5-2197 24VAC/DC
 Schmersal VietNamAZM 415-11/02ZPKF 48VAC/ DC 



Schmersal VietNamTV. 015-11Y-M20Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAZM 161-STS30-04Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAZM 161-STS30-05Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAZM 161-STS30-06Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAZM 415-STS30-01Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamBN 20-RZ-ST-2452Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTR 422-10Y-RMS-M20Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamG 50-025-T33/33Y-M20 -1600-1Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTV7H 235-20ZZ-2138/2375Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamZV7H 235-11ZZ-2375Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamT4VH 335-11Z-1172/1637/2444Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTK 335-11Z-M20-1087/1637Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTR 335-11Z-M20-1087/1637Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTR 335-11Z-M20-U90-1087/1637Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTS 335-11Z-M20-1087/1637Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamT4V1H 335-11Z-M20-1087/1172/1637Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamG 50-017-M44/44Y- M20Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamT4V1H 335-11Z-M20-U180-1087/1172/1637Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamBN 31-RZ-1978-4Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamNWS...K/o.G.Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamZV12H 235-11Z-M20- RMS-2252Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamASH 015L-11D/50X-M16Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamG150-075-Z22/M33Y-M20Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTD 250-12Z-M25-R=2X45GR.-1276-2Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamEFP ST-AS330Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamEFP DT-AS330Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamT4VH 335-11Z-1795/2444Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTL 461-22Y-K-UE-M20-1276-2/1801Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamZV7H 235-11Z-STGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamG150-100-M44/44Y-M20 -1601-4Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamG 50-017-M33/33Y-M20 -2281-6Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamG150-075-Z11/11-M11/11Y-M20-1600-1Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAV 20LHE2X20U GB 215Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTESZ1102/5?Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTJ 064-22Y-RMSGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAV 15RBE4X15 O.A.Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAZM 170SK-02ZRI B5-2197 24VAC/DCGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAZM 415-11/02ZPKF 48VAC/ DCGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamUVH 434Y-M20Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTA 130-13Y-R=2X45GR.-M25Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTS 015-02Y-M20Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamG 50-017-M44/44Y- M20-1601-8Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTZF.NEM.CH3?24VDCGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAZM 170CC-02ZRKA 24VAC/DCGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAV 15LKB2H105X45R 45 GR. NGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamT3K 236-11Z-M16-U90Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamZ3K 236-02Z-M20-1297Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamZ4VH 335-11Z-M20-RMS-1172/1699Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamSE-PR CA-Primer 5mlGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTV1H 255-11ZGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamZSM 241-01XR-L 3,0MGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamZSM 241-01XR-R 3,0MGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamT1K 355-11ZUE-M20Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAZ 3350-12ZUEK-U270Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamMONTAGEPLATTE MP AZ 3350 LACK.Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamMONTAGEPLATTE MP AZM 415-01 LACK.Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamMONTAGEPLATTE MP AZ 415-01 LACK.Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamMONTAGEPLATTE MP AZ 3350-B30 LACK.Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAZ 3350-12ZUEK-U90Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamG150-075-Z44/44Y-M20 -FL1-1368-2/1600-1Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamAV 18LHKE1X30L 45 GR.NGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamMV8H 330-11Y-1361-5Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamBNS 303-11ZG-STGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamG 50-035-Z44/44Y- M20-1368-2/1600-1Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamSTERNGRIFF MIT VKT.8 BEST-NR. 2009135.00-00000Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamMONTAGEPLATTE KPL. MP AZ 3350Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamT1R 255-11ZGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTK 255-20ZGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTK4 255-20ZHGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamMONTAGEPLATTE KPL. MP AZ 3350-B30Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTS 255-11ZUEGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamMONTAGEPLATTE KPL. MP TG-01Greentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamTV12H 255-20ZGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamZ1R 255-11ZGreentech Vietnam
Schmersal VietNamZV14H 255-02ZGreentech Vietnam


Schmersal VietnamAZM 161SK-12/12RK-024
(Type: AZM 161SK-12/12rk-024-2201)
Schmersal Solenoid Interlocks Only
Schmersal VietnamAZM 161SK-12/12RKN-024
Safety door switch with interlocks 2NC 1NO,
Schmersal VietnamAZM 161SK-12/12RK-024    -2201
Schmersal VietnamAZM 161SK-12/12RK-024-2097101188636
Schmersal VietnamAZM 161SK-12/12RK-024-   1637
Schmersal VietnamAZM 161SK-12/12RK-024    -2449
Schmersal VietnamAZM 161SK-12/12RK-024-   M20-2630
Schmersal VietnamAZM 161SK-12/12RK-024 M16  
(Ordering details
Product type description AZM 161SK-12/12RK-024
Article number 1164207
EAN code 4030661205144)
Schmersal VietnamCode: 101154221
AZ 16-12ZVRK-M16
AZ16-12ZVRK ( M16)
Schmersal VietnamAZ15/16-B2
corrected BETAETIGER  AZ 15/16-B2 KPL.
Schmersal VietnamSchmersal sealed Lead micro switch
Model: M2S 660-11-K-Y (M2S660-11-K-Y)
Code: 101055373
4A- 250V
Schmersal VietnamTVH 335-01/01Z-RMS
Schmersal VietnamTVH 335-01/01Z-M20
Schmersal VietnamTVH 335-01/01Z-RVA
Schmersal VietnamTVH 335-01/01Z-1172
Schmersal VietnamTVH 335-01/01Z-RMS
Schmersal VietnamTVH 335-01/01Z-M20
Schmersal VietnamTVH 335-01/01Z-RVA
Schmersal VietnamTVH 335-01/01Z-1172
Schmersal VietnamTVH 335-01/01Z
Schmersal VietnamCorrect: ML 441-11Y-M20
Code: 101170496
Schmersal VietnamModel: ML 441-11Y-T-M20 (ML441-11YT-M20)
Code: 101170498
Schmersal VietnamType: TV8H 330-11Y-1903
Code: 101099849
(TV8H-330-11Y-1903-100 nos)
Schmersal VietnamSafety Switch
Code: 101152725
Type: AZ 16-12ZVK-M16
(Type: AZ 16-12zvk)
Schmersal VietnamType: TZG02.110 (TZG 02.110)
Code: 101024377
Schmersal VietnamPart No: BN 20-11RZ-M16 (BN20-11RZ-M16)
Code: 101165310
250 VAC/DC(0.48A) –IP67)
Schmersal VietnamCorrect: FWS 1205 A
Code: 101170053
Model: FWS 1205)
Schmersal VietnamCorrect: FWS 1205 BCode: 101170054(Control-logicModel: FWS 1205)
Schmersal VietnamCorrect: FWS 1205 C
Code: 101170056
Model: FWS 1205)
Schmersal VietnamCorrect: FWS 1205 C-2201
Code: 101176532
Model: FWS 1205)
Schmersal VietnamCorrect: FWS 1205 B
Code: 101170054
Model: FWS 1205)
Schmersal VietnamSwitch
Code: AZ415-11/11ZPK-M20
Schmersal VietnamAZ 16-12 ZVRK -M16
Schmersal VietnamType: Z1R 236-11Z-M20
Code: 101156129
(type: Z1R 236-11Z)
Schmersal VietnamAZ 16-12 ZVRK -M16
Schmersal VietnamReplaced by: ZQ 700-11         
(Limit Switch
Model: ZS7110/1S
Schmersal VietnamType: Z4VH 335-11Z-M20-RMS
Code: 101166367
(A600 TYPE 1 Z4VH 335-11Z-M20-RMS
IEC 60947-5-1  IP67
Ui 500V
Uimp 6KV
Schmersal VietnamCODICE SAP: 101195691
Description: Z4V7H 335-11Z-RVA-2272
Product Reihe: 03400500
Schmesal VietnamType: AZM 161SK-12/12RK-024
Code: 1164207
Schmersal VietnamSAFETY SWITCH
AZM 170-11ZRK-ST-2111-1/2197
Note: Please confirm the code
Schmersal VietnamModel: SCM101170996         
Schmersal VietnamSafety switch with actuator
Model: AZ15ZVK-M16
Schmersal VietnamArt no.: 101172882
Code: BN 20-10Z-M16
Schmersal VietnamArt no.: 101156136
Code: ZS 336-11Z-M20
Schmersal VietnamCode: IFL 15-30-10/01YG
Art No.: 101056906
Schmersal Vietnam101170049
AES 1235
Schmersal Vietnam101172219
AES 2285
Schmersal Vietnam101170049
AES 1235
Schmersal Vietnam101172219
AES 2285 
Schmersal Vietnam101170840
Schmersal Vietnam 
SRB324ST 24V (V.3)
Schmersal Vietnam101195505
SRB324ST/R V.3
Schmersal Vietnam101175474
Schmersal VietnamArt no.: 101172893Code: BN 20-2RZ-M16


 Schmersal VietNamTV. 015-11Y-M20
 Schmersal VietNamAZM 161-STS30-04
 Schmersal VietNamAZM 161-STS30-05
 Schmersal VietNamAZM 161-STS30-06
 Schmersal VietNamAZM 415-STS30-01
 Schmersal VietNamBN 20-RZ-ST-2452
 Schmersal VietNamTR 422-10Y-RMS-M20
 Schmersal VietNamG 50-025-T33/33Y-M20 -1600-1
 Schmersal VietNamTV7H 235-20ZZ-2138/2375
 Schmersal VietNamZV7H 235-11ZZ-2375
 Schmersal VietNamT4VH 335-11Z-1172/1637/2444
 Schmersal VietNamTK 335-11Z-M20-1087/1637
 Schmersal VietNamTR 335-11Z-M20-1087/1637
 Schmersal VietNamTR 335-11Z-M20-U90-1087/1637
 Schmersal VietNamTS 335-11Z-M20-1087/1637
 Schmersal VietNamT4V1H 335-11Z-M20-1087/1172/1637
 Schmersal VietNamG 50-017-M44/44Y- M20
 Schmersal VietNamT4V1H 335-11Z-M20-U180-1087/1172/1637
 Schmersal VietNamBN 31-RZ-1978-4
 Schmersal VietNamNWS...K/o.G.
 Schmersal VietNamZV12H 235-11Z-M20- RMS-2252
 Schmersal VietNamASH 015L-11D/50X-M16
 Schmersal VietNamG150-075-Z22/M33Y-M20
 Schmersal VietNamTD 250-12Z-M25-R=2X45GR.-1276-2
 Schmersal VietNamEFP ST-AS330
 Schmersal VietNamEFP DT-AS330
 Schmersal VietNamT4VH 335-11Z-1795/2444
 Schmersal VietNamTL 461-22Y-K-UE-M20-1276-2/1801
 Schmersal VietNamZV7H 235-11Z-ST
 Schmersal VietNamG150-100-M44/44Y-M20 -1601-4
 Schmersal VietNamG 50-017-M33/33Y-M20 -2281-6
 Schmersal VietNamG150-075-Z11/11-M11/11Y-M20-1600-1
 Schmersal VietNamAV 20LHE2X20U GB 215
 Schmersal VietNamTESZ1102/5?
 Schmersal VietNamTJ 064-22Y-RMS
 Schmersal VietNamAV 15RBE4X15 O.A.
 Schmersal VietNamAZM 170SK-02ZRI B5-2197 24VAC/DC
 Schmersal VietNamAZM 415-11/02ZPKF 48VAC/ DC 

GREENTECH Việt Nam - Công ty TNHH TM DV GREENTECH là nhà XNK hàng đầu và là nhà cung cấp chuyên nghiệp các mặt hàng tự động, thiết bị điện và điện công nghiệp,.... Bên cạnh đó chúng tôi là nhà thực hiện các giải pháp tích hợp trong công nghiêp, dân dụng, xây dựng,... Chúng tôi đáp ứng mọi xu hướng công nghiệp hóa, hiện đại hóa hiện nay


Liên hệ cho chúng tôi để  thông tin mà Quý khách CẦN.

Email ] nhan@greentechvn.com | sales@greentechvn.com | ltnhan.gh@gmail.com
Online contact========

Yahoo: nhan.luongthe
Skype: luongthenhan 


Greentech Trading Service Company Limited

Main Office   ] 33 Street DC5, Son Ky Ward, Tan Phu District, HCM City, Vietnam

Branch Office ] 92/8 Huynh Thuc Khang Street, Tam Ky City, Quang Nam Province, Viet Nam

Tel & Fax ]  + 84 (0) 28 3816 1314
Website ] 
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Ø Flow, pressure and level measurement | Temperature and humidity measurement | Position measurement | Force measurement

Ø Optical and acoustic measurement | Electrical measurement  | Hydraulics – Pneumatic

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Vietnam – Afriso Vietnam | LS Industrial Vietnam | RS Automation Vietnam | Balluff Vietnam | Baumer Vietnam | Kuppler Vietnam | Pulsotronics Vietnam | Leuze Vietnam | Microsonic Vietnam | AST Vietnam | Tempsen Vietnam | STS Vietnam | Micro Dectector Vietnam | Proxitron Vietnam | Microsens Vietnam | Towa Seiden Vietnam | Promesstec Vietnam | Ski Vietnam | Eltra Vietnam | Hohner Vietnam | Posital Vietnam | Elap Vietnam | Beisensors Vietnam | Newall Vietnam | Dotech Vietnam | Watlow Vietnam | Bihl Weidemann Vietnam | Prosoft Vietnam | ICP DAS Vietnam | Beckhoff Vietnam | Keller M S R Vietnam | IRCON Vietnam | Raytek Vietnam | Kimo Vietnam | YSI Vietnam | Jenco Vietnam | Tekhne Vietnam | Atago Vietnam | E Instrument Vietnam | IMR Vietnam | Netbiter Viêt Nam | FMS Vietnam | Unipulse Vietnam | Migun Vietnam | Sewha Vietnam | HBM Vietnam | Pilz Vietnam | Dold Vietnam | EBMpapst Vietnam | Puls Vietnam | Microsens Vietnam | Controller Sensor Vietnam | Mark|10 Vietnam | Schmidt Vietnam | Bernstein Vietnam | Celduc Vietnam | Univer Vietnam | Waicom Vietnam | Aignep Vietnam | Top Air Vietnam | Burket Vietnam | Gemu Vietnam | JJ Automation  Vietnam | Somas Vietnam | Delta Elektrogas Vietnam | Pentair Vietnam | Auma Vietnam | Sipos Artorik Vietnam | Flowserve Vietnam | Sinbon Vietnam | Setra Vietnam | Yottacontrok Vietnam | Sensor Tival Vietnam | Vaisala Vietnam | Crouzet Vietnam | RheinTacho Vietnam | Cityzen Seimitsu Vietnam | Flowserve Vietnam | Greatork Vietnam | PS Automation Vietnam | Bettis Vietnam | Sinbon Vietnam  | Setra Vietnam | Laurel Vietnam | Datapaq Vietnam | EE Electronik Vietnam | Banico Vietnam | Sinfonia Vietnam | Digmesa Vietnam | Alia Vietnam | Flowline Vietnam | Brook Instrument Vietnam | Dakota Instrument Vietnam | Diehl Metering Vietnam | Stego Vietnam | Rotronic Vietnam | Hopeway Vietnam | Beko Vietnam | Matsui Vietnam | Westec Vietnam | Sometech Vietnam | Offshore Vietnam | DCbox Vietnam | Fanuc Vietnam | KollMorgen Vietnam | Endress & Hauser Vietnam | Metso Automation Vietnam | MKS Instruments Vietnam | Teledyne Instruments Vieatnam | Badger Meter Vietnam | Hirschmann Vietnam | Servo Mitsubishi Vietnam |  SCR SA Việt Nam | Biotech Flow Meter Việt Nam | Thermo Electric Việt Nam | Siko Việt Nam | Klinger Việt Nam | HK Instrument Việt Nam | Magnetrol Viet Nam | Lika Viet Nam | Setra Viet Nam | Kistler Viet Nam | Renishaw Viet Nam | Mindmen Vietnam | Airtac Vietnam | Gimatic Vietnam | Monarch Instrument  Vietnam | Stauff  Vietnam | Burster Vietnam | SDT International Vietnam | MTI Instrument Vietnam | Zhuzhou CRRC Vietnam | Sensorex Vietnam | TWK Elektronik Vietnam | ASC Vietnam | Ronds Vietnam | Klaschka Vietnam | Hubner Vietnam | Hainzl Vietnam | Labom Vietnam | Siko Vietnam | Rittmeyer Vietnam | TR Electronic Vietnam | AK Industry Vietnam | Precizika Metrology Vietnam | Dis Sensor Vietnam | Elap Vietnam | Wachendorff Automation  Vietnam | Foxboro Vietnam | Fireray Vietnam | Fiessler Elektronik Vietnam | Watt Drive Vietnam | Murr Elektronik Vietnam | Zander Vietnam | Elgo Vietnam | Measurex Vietnam | Saia Burgess Control Vietnam | Cabur Vietnam | Castel Vietnam | Elettromeccanica CDC Vietnam | Piab Vietnam | Coval Vietnam | Fipa Vietnam | Zimmer Vietnam | Vmeca Vietnam | Anver Vietnam | Pentair Vietnam | Aignep Vietnam | Festo Vietnam | Keyence Vietnam | Gessmann Vietnam | Balluff Vietnam | Wohner Vietnam | Wieland Vietnam | Weidmuller Vietnam | Tempatron Vietnam | Telco Sensor Vietnam | TeknoMega Vietnam | Synatel Vietnam | Turck Vietnam | Condor VietNam | SmartScan VietNam | Knick Vietnam | Sera Vietnam | Sera Seybert + Raheir Vietnam | Finder Vietnam | Speck Pumpen Vietnam | Promesstec Vietnam | Infranor Vietnam | Parker SSD Parvex | Pees Component Vietnam | Danfoss VietNam | Ropex Vietnam | Lenord + Bauer Vietnam | Herion Vietnam | Helukabel Vietnam | Burkert Vietnam | Chetronics Vietnam | Megger Vietnam | Systron Donner Vietnam| Waycon Vietnam | Spohn & Burkhardt Vietnam | TRElectronic Vietnam | TWK 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